Influencer Marketing

Why should SaaS vendors stop keeping their pricing secret?

Pricing has become quite a touchy and debatable matter in the SaaS space. If you’ve been recently browsing websites offering influencer marketing solutions, you probably understand what we mean. Very few companies display their pricing pages while others still keep their clients in the dark.

Why should SaaS vendors stop keeping their pricing secret?

“Contact us to learn the price”

It looks like the SaaS market is heavily affected by the “hide-your-pricing” pandemic. A survey among SaaS vendors by Openview revealed that only 45% publish their rates online, while the remaining 55% avoid sharing pricing details.

How do SaaS companies explain such a conspiracy? Well, some of them claim that a personal chat helps to customize pricing to unique customer needs and requirements. Others seek to create a sense of exclusivity for clients, offering them a “special deal”. There are those who are simply afraid of competitors who can see their pricing and undercut them.

To shed light on the situation in the influencer marketing landscape, we’ve conducted our own investigation of the competition. Our findings frustrated even us. The analysis of 20 competitors demonstrated that only 3 of them are brave enough to reveal their pricing packages… The rest have custom plans available only at the discretion of a sales team.

Hmm, just imagine that you are shopping in a grocery store but all price tags are gated, so you have to constantly ask the assistant about the cost of each item. Sounds freaky though. So what’s that: fear of scaring customers away or an attempt to jack up the price? Anyway, hiding prices clearly don’t add to your value in the eyes of potential prospects.

What’s the way out?

We believe that the only right policy is transparency. It’s natural that customers expect the opportunity to compare and analyze the market before entering a paid subscription. Here are a couple of compelling points that will inspire you to follow the transparency lead:

  •  Boosting customer trust

Trust is the key decision-making factor when a customer chooses whether to buy from you or not. Studies show that 81% of customers need to trust a company to make a purchase.

  • Eliminating imposed calls or demos

Some customers may find meetings with sales reps nerve-racking. A well-structured pricing page with specific figures will give your prospects the freedom to make decisions on their own, without undesired interactions.

  • Attracting only quality leads

As a rule, potential customers already have an idea of ​​the approximate budget they’re ready to spend on some product or service. With pricing visibility, it’s easier to decide whether a customer can afford your solution or not.

  • Avoiding reputational risks

Offering fair pricing for collaboration can save you from reputation damage and angry comments about your dishonesty or cheating.

Why should SaaS vendors stop keeping their pricing secret?

Hypetrain’s Universal subscription

Okay, hands on deck! Now we’ve come to our main announcement. Since Hypetrain has gained enough speed, we’re ready to switch from freemium and charge a travel fee to provide a more advanced user experience. But don’t worry, we won’t keep you in disguise or flip-flop from client to client and set custom prices based on the company’s size and income.

Let us introduce you to the Universal subscription package with a free 14-day trial:

$59/month flat per person


Without any limits, unlike competitiors

The free trial and the Universal plan allow you to take advantage of the whole platform functionality at the best price in the market – 15 times* cheaper than competitor rates!

*Based on publicly available competitor pricing.

Why should SaaS vendors stop keeping their pricing secret?
Why should SaaS vendors stop keeping their pricing secret?

You can subscribe to our free trial without adding your card. When the trial period comes to an end, the system will notify you in advance to add your credentials in order to enter a paid subscription and continue using our service.

For those who will opt for team use, we’ve created a system of seats. If you’re an admin willing to invite more teammates to your workspace, you can buy additional seats. The coolest thing about this system is that a seat is not tied to a specific user. This means that you can manage seats by replacing one user with another, or simply removing seats if the number of teammates decreases.

Now you’re probably wondering what is the catch…  There isn’t any! We’re strongly convinced that influencer marketing vendors should start offering great tools at reasonable prices, and we want to become the pioneers in this niche.

As we’ve stated from the very beginning of our journey, Hypetrain’s main values are transparency and respect for our customers. As such, we want to save our users from playing a guessing game and offer fair pricing so that they can save the budget for more kick-ass campaigns. Hypetrain is now steaming ahead so get your ticket and join the ride!

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